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The fundamental goal of Vektor SC is for children participating in our sessions to genuinely develop a love for sports. We aim to cultivate the desire for regular physical activity, which becomes a defining factor throughout their lives. We believe, supported by contemporary science, that this is essential for a healthy, balanced life.

We aim to achieve our goal through our comprehensive system, which is based on establishing and developing general movement and motor skills as well as providing long-term guidance on choosing a sport that best suits each child. You can access a more detailed introductory article by clicking here.

In our view, the tasks and objectives of sports up to the age of 10 are:

  • Developing a diverse and complex range of movement skills to establish general agility.
  • Creating opportunities for playful, experiential development.
  • Creating desire for physical activity and cultivating a health-conscious perspective.



Building a base

By introducing and strengthening general sporting activities, we aim to open the path to discovering the joy of movement, achieving successes, and developing a love for sports.



In addition to developing complex motor coordination, our versatile training system aims to contribute to the creation of physical, mental, and spiritual health.



With our system based on objective assessment, subjective observation, and communication with the child, we aim to assist in finding the ideal sport based on participants’ preferences and abilities.


Keep up the connection

We consider it important to maintain continuous communication with parents, whether it involves general information-sharing or discussing experiences related to the child.




About us, worth to read

Change of perspective/mindset

Change of perspective/mindset

"The ability to acquire knowledge is not some fixed attribute, but a determined will." Robert Sternberg This article serves as a kind of book recommendation. Carol S. Dweck's book "Mindset" is a work that every educator, parent, or anyone who deals with future...

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Motoric skill

Motoric skill

In this article, we would like to share fundamental information about physical education and general motor skill development.  In our daily lives, we often may not view physical development in the appropriate manner or we do...

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Introducing Vektor SC.

Introducing Vektor SC.

We chose this name because its meaning carries guidance and direction within it. Our goal is to show the way towards regular physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, as well as to help children find the sport in which they can derive the greatest joy based on their...

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